Miss some feature or have an idea how to improve "Buy Me a Pie!" functionality? Your suggestions are welcome!

Please post one idea per post.


Timed alerts so you know when you need to buy something

Barbara 8 лет назад 0

Ability to add web links as an item

DaveH 8 лет назад 0

Ability to reorganize colours

Teresa Boisvert 8 лет назад 0

storage list

Markus F. 8 лет назад 0

Notification when an item is deleted so other devices know that it is no longer in the list.

FFideas 8 лет назад 0

Sleep mode – when phone is put in pocket

d ljungberg 8 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 4

Having the app rotate when the pad/phone is rotated

tristan 8 лет назад 0

Setting to disable buzzing on list modification

Nick 8 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 3


Link to this page

Erica Throne 10 лет назад 0

Colored lists

Daniil Fedotov 11 лет назад 0

It should be a very nice feature if we can manage category and items via the web access

Chrisk 10 лет назад 0

Push - What list has been updated

From the woods 10 лет назад обновлен Артем Гусаков 8 лет назад 1

Old topic, but anyhow: Sorting of bought products

Get1pay2 6 лет назад 0

Import and Export via Excel

ulrike wiesner 7 лет назад 0

Add list "type" with separate dictionary for each type.

pieuser69 7 лет назад обновлен 7 лет назад 0

Advanced sorting of shopping list

JJ76 7 лет назад 0

Mark staff as not in shop and drop it in the end of the list.

shkurenkovid 7 лет назад 0

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Voice to add multiple items

Mark 7 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 7 лет назад 1
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Alexa Skill italian or IFTTT integration needed

yuza 5 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 5 лет назад 1
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Delete / close account

andrij 6 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 6 лет назад 1
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Общие списки покупок

Alex Kozack 10 лет назад обновлен Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 лет назад 1

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