Miss some feature or have an idea how to improve "Buy Me a Pie!" functionality? Your suggestions are welcome!

Please post one idea per post.


Numbering the Categories

peteramerrill 7 years ago 0


Tox 7 years ago 0

Android wear 2.0

Intishop 7 years ago 0

Export list: better layout!

marcoprune 7 years ago 0

Create standard list

Andrea Brekus 7 years ago 0


Prevent adding duplicates to a list

PhilSAdams 10 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 9 years ago 2

Name of list should stay above while scrolling down

Michael Todtenbier 10 years ago 0

Inventory tracking with barcode scanner

Timon Royer 11 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 years ago 3

Undo button!

Cindy Phelps 10 years ago 0

Ability to sort a list of lists

Алексей 11 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 11 years ago 1

Add keep device from sleeping permission

Jason Ross 11 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 years ago 1

Gesture (like sliding) instead of tapping for marking

Taco12 9 years ago 0

Merge lists

Tim Kersten 10 years ago 0

Saving recipes (into categories) and adding the ingredients to a grocery list

Jean Snow 9 years ago updated by Don 8 years ago 1

Under review

Voice to add multiple items

Mark 7 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 7 years ago 1
Under review

Alexa Skill italian or IFTTT integration needed

yuza 5 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 5 years ago 1
Under review

Delete / close account

andrij 6 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 6 years ago 1
Under review

Общие списки покупок

Alex Kozack 10 years ago updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 years ago 1