Miss some feature or have an idea how to improve "Buy Me a Pie!" functionality? Your suggestions are welcome!

Please post one idea per post.


Add search field to master list (product dictionary)

rowen 11 year бұрын 0

Option to colour whole words (categories and products). More colours.

Angelika Holst 11 year бұрын 0

Possibility to sync with "Google Drive"

oliver stein 11 year бұрын 0

Add polish language translation

Paweł Philipczyk 11 year бұрын 0

Reset Purchased menu, in addition to Clear Purchased.

Michael Zarnitsa 11 year бұрын 0

Preserve group shopping items, don't merge with default list

Michael Zarnitsa 11 year бұрын 0

Enter quantity/comment when adding item from the list

Michael Zarnitsa 11 year бұрын 0

Option for brand of product

GRuby 11 year бұрын 0

Syncing via Dropbox / Google Drive - Editing Files on Desktops

ronjon m. sarcar 11 year бұрын 0


Add a scroll bar to avoid accidentally deleting items in the list

Leah B 10 year бұрын 0

Please include users' original message in support replies

Fredrik Paues 11 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 11 year бұрын 2

Ticked products > Add All Ticked to shopping list

mark palmos 9 year бұрын 0

Font enlargement

Vicki Templeton 10 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 year бұрын 2

Keep the x last deleted lists.

Fraxxion 10 year бұрын 0

Пока что оценка 4

10 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 year бұрын 2

Delete or edit grocerie history list

Linda Vaneker-Pannekoek 9 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 9 year бұрын 2

Reminders Share Extension

Reony Tonneyck 9 year бұрын 0

Under review

Voice to add multiple items

Mark 7 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 7 year бұрын 1
Under review

Alexa Skill italian or IFTTT integration needed

yuza 5 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 5 year бұрын 1
Under review

Delete / close account

andrij 6 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 6 year бұрын 1
Under review

Общие списки покупок

Alex Kozack 10 year бұрын updated by Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 10 year бұрын 1