
Being able to organize your list in the order you want (to match the layout of the store)

Madison Laskowski 11 year бұрын updated by lutz 5 year бұрын 34

I can use the ability to make different lists (love it!) to make lists for different stores I need to shop. But I also would love to be able to choose the order of items in my list so that I can organize them per the layout of each store.

Looks like the ability to sort your list however you want to was under review a year ago. What's the ETA on this?

The nicest option would be that the app learns the order in which you cross off items and sorts it this way the next time. After shopping a couple of times there would be the perfect "automatic order".

Preferably this sorting would be through some sort of Bayesian method.

Grocery Gadget - no longer in the app store - had that modus


Auto sorting per the post above would be great but the ability to just sort before you head out or print the list would be very welcomed.


Actually, I think ordering "colors" per store would be great. Automatic option is great, but from time to time I may take different routes inside the store: hopefully it won't confuse the automatic order

It would be great if you could assign an aisle number to each item.  Then you could go right down the store from front to back. 
Would be better IMO to add named category groups instead of having to move items around. That way it would cover this idea as well as many other. It would allow ability to make groups per this idea to go in order and add items to those directly as well as cover many other aspects that grouping can accomplish.

I agree. Named categories would be best!

Most other grocery apps offer categories, that you can edit, add to, and reorder. These categories show up as headers in the grocery list. This allows you to effectively order the lists in any way you want.

To me having categories is waaaaaaay more useful than drag and drop reordering. I don’t want to have to think through the order of my items every time. I want it to be automatic. Categories does that. 

Looks like the ability to sort your list however you want to was under review a year ago. What's the ETA on this?
Personally I don't see the benefit of auto learn. What is important to me today is not what is important to me next week.
Keep it simple! Just a simple drag and drop of items will make a big difference for me.

Keep it simple - my talk too :-)

agree - just a simple drag and drop of items is crucial - I abandoned my last shopping app (which was free and which did have drag and drop) because it wouldn't sync very well, now I'm using BuyMeAPie (which is a paid app and does not have it)
Agree - A simple drag-and-drop of items would help tremendously! Any ETA? This seems like the most popular feature request and has been in a planned state for a year now.
This is a must have feature on any shopping list app. Need to be able to move items around.

Or if we could re-order the colors per the layout of our store, that would be awesome.

Возможность перемещать элементы, изменять расположение цветов, в библиотеке очевидна!


I would very much like to see this feature implemented. Your Product Management Group has indicated this has gone through the Review process and is now Planned (3 years ago). Please let us know when this is planned to be released (Version or Date). As a Paid User, this is a must to make this a productive app. Please implement or consider the following or a hybrid of the two ideas:

New Topic:


Lacking this ability, is the only thing that keeps this "good product" from being a "great product".

Would love to know if this is currently in development yet. This is the killer feature my wife really needs for shopping!

You are considering this offer is already 3 years!!! It's time would have to do!!!

The opportunity to move the elements to change the location of flowers, in the library obvious!


Yes, so many wishes and nothing happens here....no reaction through the developer...

and the comment from Darci is deleted?

I guess they're paying enough attention to delete comments! ; )


It prompted me in the app yesterday with a question whether I'm happy with the app or not. I said no and it gave me a chance to to e-mail my feedback... This was their response:

Hello, Samuel!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the order of products manually, however, looks like we already have such an idea in our Ideas Base:


Could you please vote for it? The more votes it gets, the higher its priority will be in our developers' roadmap.

Thank you!

So... doesn't sound like developers are working on it yet... It's disappointing because this is the only feature that I find the app lacking compared to other solutions. Hopefully the developers will work on implementing it soon... It's not that hard to add a weight field in the db and a widget to rearrange a list in the app. If it was open source, I'd just do it and submit a PR.

They've been doing that "vote for the idea and it will bump up the priority" thing for a couple of years – and nothing. Sorry to burst your bubble. If you have the skills, you should totally create your own list app! I'm a designer and could help you out there.

I would mention the other app I'm using now, but I think that's what got my comment deleted last time!


Well, the interaction here among the customers has been great and I appreciate the feedback from each of you. It is too bad, they have a great solution for a very real problem because everyone has to go grocery shopping. Lack of response directly from Buy Me A Pie has led me to follow the advice of others. I spent my $5 on another app, spent a couple hours building out my shopping lists, categories based on store layout and food items. My family is connected to my lists (shared lists) and we look forward to our next shopping trip this Sunday using the new app with our list of items perfectly laid out based on the aisles in our grocery store.

The ultimate goal of a company should always be to serve their customer and the money will follow. It seems Buy Me A Pie has not understood that basic principle of business. It is too bad, they have a good app, good infrastructure in terms of user forum and all the right words, however, they seem to lack the action necessary to keep customers.

I would love to know which app you're using now and see if it's the same one I ended up with! Hmm .. you could email it to my junk account [ attheirmercy at gmail dot com ] ?


I don't care about store layout. But I would like to sort the items into any order I want by dragging them. That way I can have all the items grouped together for a particular meal. Such as the ingredients for a home made pizza.

It will be important  to sort my List on the positions i Need them. If I use Alexa to say her what i want to buy next she will put it in the last list i build. She do Not put it in my main list. That is Not usefull.