
Add Store Aisle to Product Dictionary for Better Grouping/Sorting

Randy King fa 8 anys actualitzat fa 8 anys 1

Please consider adding one more column to the product dictionary table. Currently, it includes Product Name, Quantity and Color Tag. It would be extremely helpful if you would add an aisle column (or custom column). All grocery stores are laid out by what product groups they stock in each aisle. I would like to be able to use your color tags, but also apply an aisle number or name to the product so I can group/sort my list by aisle.

Being able to sort the shopping list by aisle number would make shopping with your application incredibly efficient. For example, today, I took a picture of each aisle sign at our preferred store so I know exactly what is generally in each aisle. When I add products the dictionary, I could also assign an aisle number. When I go shopping, I could group/sort by aisle and quickly go through my list.

Please consider this in a near term release. You would totally make my day if you do this and I would call it the best $13 ever spent.

Flipp, one of your competitors, has this feature. From their product description: Flipp helps plan your in-store route so you can shop faster. The new Store Mode sorts your shopping list by store aisle. No more wondering around looking for that mushroom soup, Flipp tells you where to find it.

Please adding this idea or the one copied below ASAP. As a paid user, I would like to see this app optimized for our use as customers.

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