
Ability to add notes to an item

Fyodor Golos 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door WinkeB 6 jaar geleden 1
Product name should be short and sweet, since it is persisted in the "product dictionary". For example, "Carrots". Notes should not be stored in the "product list", but should only exist on products added to a shopping list. For example, "Pre-washed, if they have any. Otherwise, get whatever they have". Such notes should be "one-time explanations" for a given trip to the store. For example, a wife adding an item to the list for her husband to pick up, adding just a little more detail without cluttering "product dictionary".

Totally agree. The note should not be visible immediately in the list, only with a small marker so you can open or view on tap. Since we put our list together with two people, and only one goes to the store, we've missed this feature a number of times now. Some examples from our usage (we now work with abbreviations):

- check expiry date

- you can find it close to [[product]]

- better pick the smallest you can find
- If they don't have any, then [[other product]] is fine too

- If they don't have any, no need to bring anything else

- Should be in discount, please check

- ...