
Share only selected lists

Axel Kersting 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Buy Me a Pie! (Head of Customer Care Service) 9 lat temu 9
Keep some lists private.

That would be a great feature!


I think part of the problem is that "sharing" isn't really sharing between accounts. It's sharing one account. If sharing worked between accounts, we could share specific lists with certain people and not share others. AnyList works like this (but AnyList is not cross-platform, or we would still be using it). As it is, my wife and I share a grocery list, but if wanted to, for instance, make a holiday shopping list for my wife, I would need to log out and create a separate account, then constantly switch between accounts to manage different lists. Or get a second list app for personal use. Either way, not ideal.

This is the whole reason I bought this app - because it said that I could share lists. It didn't say that I have to share all lists or none at all!!
This is an awesome application! I have removed all my lists from the refrigerator, from my file cabinet, and any post it note! The only thing this app needs is yes!! sharing only selected lists. I don't need my knowing what I need to go out and buy especially if it's for them. But, I want them to add to the grocery list whenever something runs out. I hope you will consider adding this feature.
Not only would shared lists be helpful for current users, but it would also inspire many of us to convince our family members to buy the app as well so we can share lists with them. Even better, if you made it easy for me to gift the app to my girlfriend, I'd do that in a second if you had the sharing feature.
Dear Ksenia!

Thank You for completing this feature
How does it work now? Sharing between different accounts or within one single account with different users?

Please give us some details after waiting for two years...
Hello, please refer to this article: http://support.buymeapie.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1217164-how-to-synchronize-