
Sync categories for itens too (full sync)

Marco Lovato 9 років тому оновлено Sascha 7 років тому 2
I know that binding itens to categories may be personal. But (at least this is what happened to me) I added several itens on a shared group with my wife, and categorized all of them. But when I saw her mobile device, all itens were there, but unclassified. I had to do the same configuration for all itens I just did on my cell phone.

Additionally, after doing this, I noticed some default itens remaining on her device, even after removing them from mine. Looks like SYNC is to add each-other itens, but not a full sync feature. Does it make sense?

Yes, identical experience for us! I added some items that don't have default categories. (This is more than half of my items; I think this would be common outside the US market.) Then I carefully categorized them to help my partner in the shop ... only to find they are all grey by default and grouped together.

Now I know to first add on my phone, then go to my partner's phone to update the category there, but it would be nice to automate this.